
Settings > Communications > Tasks

Tasks in DocketManager are a replacement for interoffice email, post it notes, shouting across the pressroom, and other semi effective ways of communicating with your team.

Creating Tasks

A task can be created from the right side of the Dashboard by clicking on the + icon next to Tasks.

A New Task modal window will appear where you can enter instructions for the task, set a Due Date, Assign To a User, and mark as Complete. The Related To dropdown allows you to attach a link to a Contact, Customer, Order, or Order Item.

Tasks are also available at the Contact, Customer, Quote, Quote Item, Order, and Order Item level which will automatically assign the task to that record.

Managing Tasks

When a Task is assigned to a user they will see a notification in the Top Navigation Menu in the Tasks button as well as on the Dashboard under Tasks. When the user clicks on the task link they will be brought to the task window where they can mark it as complete or answer back and re assign the task back to the user that created it.