Product Pricing
Product Pricing allows you to override pricing at the Product level. This can be useful for specific types of Products that are either price listed or that you need to charge a set price on.
Setting Product Pricing
From the Product Item view
- Select Edit Mode in the top right corner of your screen.
- Scroll down to Pricing
- From the Calculate By dropdown select Product.
- Click the Save icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- The Pricing table Price should read $0.00.
If there is a value in Price, first check the Stock - Add to Price Toggle should be set to No.
Department Items should also be checked to make sure the Add to Price toggle is set to No.
- Below the Pricing table you will see Product Pricing.
- Set the "Quantity Calculation Options" selection to Quantity.
This allows you to change calculations to multiply between quantity, sets, sheets, and versions. - Set the Scale Selection Type to Step or Averaged.
- On the right click the + icon to add quantities and pricing levels.
- Click Save.
Note: If the Pricing tab quantities table has overridden values, those values will supersede those setup for Product pricing. Make sure any overridden values are cleared from the Pricing tab before selecting to Calculate By Product.