When emailing within DocketManager, the following systemic emails can be generated.

Note: The canned email defaults will be those of the customer, as designated by their Communication Defaults. If the customer does not have designated communication defaults, the canned email will be the system default as designated by Canned Email settings. 


Action (To be selected from the Table or the Actions menu drop-down)
To and CC

Default Canned Email



(If the Contact has no email, an error will generate.)
To should default to Contact's email.

This should  automatically set to the General default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Email Login

(If the Contact has no email, an error will generate.)
To should default to Contact's email.

This should  automatically set to the Login default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Email Statement
To should default to Accounts Payable Contact (ignore CC). If there is no Accounts Payable contact assigned, To should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Accounting default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Email Statement
To should default to Accounts Payable Contact (ignore CC). If there is no Accounts Payable contact assigned, To should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Accounting default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
To should be blank

This should  automatically set to the General default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.

Email Invoice(s)

Note: This option is only available on the Order Table when searching by Customer Number.
To should default to Accounts Payable Contact (ignore CC). If there is no Accounts Payable contact assigned, To should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Orders default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Email Invoice
To should default to Accounts Payable Contact. If CC Order Contact is Yes, CC the Order Contact. If there is no Accounts Payable contact assigned, To should be Order Contact.
This should  automatically set to the Orders default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Email Quote
To should default to Order contact. If the order contact has no email, the To field should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Quote default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Send Shipped Email

Note: At least one order item must be selected to send a Shipped Email.
To should default to Order contact. If the order contact has no email, the To field should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Shipping default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
To should default to Order contact. If the order contact has no email, the To field should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the General default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Send Shipped Email
To should default to Order contact. If the order contact has no email, the To field should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Shipping default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Proof Email
To should default to Order contact. If the order contact has no email, the To field should be blank.
This should  automatically set to the Proof default canned email set on the Customer, if not set on the customer, then to the system default.
Outsourced Email
No default To.
This should automatically set to Outsourced default canned email.