Working in the On Demand Custom Manufacturing Industry mistakes are bound to happen. It is important to keep track of these issues to track costs and causes.

Create a Rerun Customer

Under CRM > Customers create a customer named Your Company Name - Rerun.

Tracking Reruns

  • When an issue arises on an order go to the Actions menu > Reorder. 
  • On the new order click Actions > Edit.
  • Change the Customer to Your Company Name - Rerun.
  • Click on the new Order Item then Edit Mode.
  • Zero out all of the pricing and keep the Costs that are specific to the rerun issue.
  • Run the initial order item through production and use it to Invoice the order when it is completed.

It is important in this scenario to instruct your staff not to rerun any work unless the request is presented with a rerun work order. 

Notes should be added to each of the rerun orders so that you can look back and identify trends before they get out of control.

By tracking all of your reruns under one Customer account you will be able to see the number of reruns that are happening.