Completing the Data Capture tab for Text Field Types

1. The Data Capture tab for text fields provides four "User Control Types". The Data Capture window for text data varies slightly between the selections of the drop down for User Control Type. Each selection applies a different set of attributes to the field. We will illustrate how information is gathered in each of the four examples here. See Chapter 11 - Field Setup: Data Capture General for other prompts on this tab.


Entry from Field Type Tab

What type of field will this be? = Text

Data for this field will come from? = User Entry


User Control Type: Text Box

This option allows a single line entry and is best when used for a short string of text that does not wrap. The text entered in the Default Value field provides your user with an example of the type of entry required and may be overwritten by the user. Setting the Maximum Length prevents the user from entering too much text. Note: if you would like the additional text that does not fit in the amount of space you allow for this field, you can create another field on your template and use the "text overflow" option that is chosen in the "Field Type" tab.


User Control Type: Text Area

Basically the same as "Text Box" but this option allows multiple lines of text, as in the example below. You may still use the Max Length box to set how much text can be entered in the text area. Note: if you would like the additional text that does not fit in the amount of space you allow for this field, you can create another field on your template and use the "text overflow" option that is chosen in the "Field Type" tab.


User Control Type: Drop Down List

This option allows you to provide a list of data from which the user makes a selection. You will enter each choice on a separate line. This screenshot below displays three addresses. The drop down value displayed to the user and the information that will be populated on the template is separated by a Pipe Symbol “|”. Returns that are needed on the template are added to the row of text using a back slash-n (\n). Here is an example of this:


Chicago Office|123 Main Street\nChicago, IL 60187\nPhone: 312-555-1212


In the above example, the customer will see "Chicago Office" in the drop down menu. When it is chosen, the following will be populated in the area designated for this information:


123 Main Street

Chicago, IL 60187

Phone: 312-555-1212


Important: you cannot use HTML here in this area. Only plain text is allowed.

User Control Type: Rich Text Area

This option is not available when building your template in the Interactive Designer version of Online Template Builder. The Interactive Designer has its own rich text behavior. This option is similar to the "Text Area" option but provides greater versatility in formatting (both to the designer and the end user) using a WYSIWYG text editor with toolbar options. The behavior experienced by the user may be slightly different depending on the specific browser they choose to use when customizing your template.


Allow User to Choose Base Font - When using this option this new choice will appear. If you would like your customer to choose from the fonts available in this template then check this box. The customer will not be given the choice of fonts otherwise. Please note: Because Online Template Builder is pre-loaded with system fonts available to all templates, the system fonts as well as the fonts you uploaded in the "Assets" area for the template will be available choices for your customer. 

Entry from Field Type Tab

What type of field will this be? = Text

Data for this field will come from? = Another Field


Please select the field to use data from - When you choose "Another Field" in the Field type tab you will need to tell Online Template Builder what field you would like the entry to come from. The user will not see a prompt for this information. You will still be able to set particular attributes to this field in the format tab. You will choose from a drop down menu that lists all the field names that are available in your template.


Entry from Field Type Tab

What type of field will this be? = Text

Data for this field will come from? = Static Text or Field Scripting


Please enter the static text here - When this option is chosen the customer will not be prompted for entry of any information. One choice is to enter static text that you want to show on the template but do not want the customer to have an option of changing. If your intent is to have this field be part of a Field Script then leave this entry blank. Field scripting is explained in greater detail later.


Entry from Field Type Tab

What type of field will this be? = Text

Data for this field will come from? = Text Overflow


Please select which field to overflow text from, as needed - If this field is able to take text that is overflowing from another field, choose the name of the field here. If the customers entry goes over what is available in the field you chose text will flow into this field. You can flow more than one field into another and you can have text flow from one page to another. If the text does not go over the amount allowed this field will remain empty on the template. 


Can I populate an image field based on the selection in a dropdown list?

You can have the user make a selection in a drop down menu, and based on that selection an image field would be populated. You would need two fields on the master pdf. The fields would be set up like this:

Field one - contains the question/dropdown menu
Field type tab - text coming from user entry
Data capture tab - User control type = dropdown list
The List options would look like this:
The image1.tif and image2.tif names would need to be replaced by the exact names of the files you upload to the Graphic files area of the template. Obviously A and B would need to be replaced by the options you would like the user to see/select.

Field two - contains the image
Field type tab - image coming from another field
Data capture tab - select Field one

The images would need to be uploaded to the graphic files area of the template - NOT the image picker area.


Previous Chapter:  Chapter 11 - Field Setup: Data Capture General

Next Chapter:  Chapter 13 - Field Setup: Data Capture for Image Fields