Sequential Numbering - An Example 

Numeric sequencing for products such as Raffle Tickets, or Parking Permits may be automated in Online Template Builder. The maximum theoretical limit is sequencing 2.1 billion numbers. However, if the item is also being imposed the practical limit will be lower depending on the file size, imposition settings, etc.


The simple setup process for this feature requires a start number, end number (in the example below, this is actually the total number of tickets - NOT the number you would like to end the sequence), an incremental value, and a specification of the format.

The following example illustrates applying various options to a Raffle Ticket.

1) Our template contains four placeholder fields to capture values for sequencing 

• StartNumber

• EndNumber - to determine the range for the sequential numbers. Please note that the EndNumber field is actually the total number of tickets and NOT the number you wish to end the sequence.

• The Incremental field - determines the increase in value (numeric pattern) within the series. Generally, a value of 1 is applied here.

• The Formatting field - allows the user to specify number formats based on hash marks (#,###). Options for numeric formatting are illustrated later in this section.


Common Field Settings for the 4 place holder fields (Remaining field settings are applied in the same manner as any standard Online Template Builder template). 


• Field Type Tab - Select Text for type of field, and User Entry for the data source.

• Data Capture Tab - Enter the appropriate Prompt Text for the entry field.

• Format Tab - An optional automated entry of the EndNumber field using the Order Quantity (Q1) entry from the calculator pricing engine may be done with the selection of Sequence Count, under the Profile Field Type dropdown.

• Field Usage - The Field Usage dropdown must be set to Hide Field for each of the four fields (StartNumber, EndNumber, Increment, Format).



2) Our template contains three display fields. They will display values resulting from a common script. Two will be set to output a numeric value, and one to output the same value as a QR Code. 


Common Field Settings for the 3 display fields (Remaining field settings are applied in the same manner as any standard Online Template Builder template). 

• Field Type Tab - DisplayOne and DisplayTwo are Field Type: Text, The Barcode field is the Field Type: Barcode. Select Static Text or Field scriptiing for the three display fields.

• Format Tab - Our example illustrates matching numeric display fields (DisplayOne and DisplayTwo) that parallel the perforation for the ticket stub. To accomplish this, a value of 90 (90 degrees) is entered into the Rotation field

• Field Scripting Tab - The two numeric display fields, and one barcode field all display the same value, although in different formats, so, the scripting will be common for all three fields.

◦ The Sequencing function consists of the command, Sequence, followed by the four parameters, Start, Stop, Increment, Format. In the case of this example, the parameters are represented by the four fields; StartNumber, EndNumber, Increment, and Format.

◦ The functions syntax: Sequence(StartNumber,EndNumber, Increment, Format)

Template Options - Real values may be applied to the Sequence Script, eliminating the need for user entry. The display (or composite) field containing the script may be written, substituting an actual number in place of the field.


Hard Coded Script

The functions syntax substituting values:


Sequence(1000, EndNumber, 1, “#,###”)


This function substitutes the value of 1,000 for the starting number, but applies the EndNumber field, rather than a whole number (remember, the end number may be captured from the Q1 entry in the Calculator Pricing Engine). Note that the increment value is in parenthesis, since it is a string value.


Number Formatting Options - The fourth parameter in this function offers several different options for numeric display. The following examples will illustrate how to apply various formats to the number 1,250.

Description  Entry       Output 

No Formatting 
 0     1250

No Formatting 
 #     1250

Leading Zero
 00000      01250 

Thousands Separator 
 #,###     1,250

Thousands Separator & Leading Zero
 00,000      01,250

Character Separators (dash, X, or Space) 

000 000

    001 250

The Finished Template 



The maximum theoretical limit is sequencing 2.1 billion numbers. However, if the item is also being imposed the practical limit may be lower.



Previous Chapter: Chapter 27 - Repeating Fields

Next Chapter:  Chapter 29 - Variable Data Template Creation - An Example