Suppliers are used to order Stocks and Supplies from the Inventory menu in side navigation panel.

Add a New Supplier

  • Navigate to CRM > Suppliers
  • Click New
  • Fill out the necessary fields in each section.
  • Click Save

The blue tooltip icons provide additional information for each field. 
Below is a table of each section with additional information for each field.


NameEnter supplier Name.
PhoneEnter supplier Phone number.
FaxEnter supplier Fax number.
EmailEnter supplier Email address.
WebsiteEnter supplier Website.
Add NewThis allows for additional contact information (e.g. phone, mobile, pager, etc.) to be added.

Note: When adding a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram account, only the username is needed. You do not need to add www. or @ symbol.
e.g. Facebook account would only need to be entered as 'Username' not ''
TagsSelect one or more Tags from the drop-down menu.
Note: These options can be modified. (See 
Customer - Tags)
