Accounts Receivables include any order that is posted but still has a balance owing or owed. They are organized by the length of time they have been posted.

The Accounts Receivable view page is divided into the following sections:

Accounts Receivable Information Boxes

Each of the information boxes displays the total AR for the corresponding time period.

Note: Selecting any of the information boxes will automatically sort the Accounts Receivable Customer Summary section by that information boxes criteria.

Accounts Receivable Search

This section allows you to search for Accounts Receivable data that matches your search parameters. To conduct an Accounts Receivable search, see Searching Accounts Receivables.

Accounts Receivable Customer Summary

This shows a breakdown of Accounts Receivable Information by customer. The Totals on the bottom right-hand side show the total number of orders for all customers as well as the overall total accounts receivable. To export Accounts Receivable information, see Exporting Accounts Receivables.