Handlebars is a templating language that can be used to reference answers from a form submission. These references can be embedded within HTML to define how a document should be structured.

Handlebars/JavaScript document helper functions are used in conjunction with document tags to expand on their functionality. These functions are applied to the information returned from an invoked document tag. As a rule, when sending values to a function if the value is not a document tag it is best practice to surround it in either single or double quotation marks.

Function Details Information

Function Name: Name used to call function.

Input: Tags/information that the function will accept.

Brief: Description of function.

Code example: Example of code utilizing function in document.

Output: Result of executed function.

*: Additional note(s) on function

DocketManager Custom Functions

Function NameInputBriefCode Example
an array, attribute to sort by in array, optional second argument to determine the order in which array is sorted/displayed
withSort function will iterate through an array by the attribute chosen to sort by specified by the second argument passed to the function.

<!-- {{#withSort Orders “Number”}} -->



<!-- {{#withSort Orders "Number" sortBy="asc"}} -->

{{Number}}<br />

<!-- {{/withSort}} -->

<!-- {{#withSort Orders "Number" sortBy="desc"}} -->

{{Number}}<br />

<!-- {{/withSort}} -->


date tag, two optional parameters: lang - locale code used to determine output language, format - format date will conform to
dateFormat function allows you to specify the desired language and/or format for dates on your documents. Formatting the date is done by specifying the M, D and Y. If you wanted your date to appear as feb 21, 2018 you would put “MMM DD, YYYY”.

{{dateFormat OrderDate}} - Output: Feb 07 2018

{{dateFormat OrderDate format=”MMMM YYYY”}} - Output: February 2018

{{dateFormat OrderDate format=”MMMM DD, YYYY”}} - Output: February 07, 2018

{{dateFormat OrderDate lang="fr" format=”MMMM DD, YYYY”}} - Output: février 22 2018


value being tested to see if it exists
if function will take a tag and if it is not null, actually has a value, it will run the code surrounded by the opening and closing if tags.

<!-- {{#if UnpaidAmount}} --> 


<!-- {{/if}} -->

amount, optional specifiers for thousandsSeperator, currency and decimal
currency function will take a numeric value and format it to its currency equivalent.

{{currency UnpaidAmount}} - Output: $12.35

{{currency FinalInvoiceTotal thousandsSeparator="S"}} Output: $1L000.00

{{currency FinalInvoiceTotal currency="C"}} Output: C1,000.00

{{currency FinalInvoiceTotal decimal="D"}} Output: $1,000D00

*All options, thousandsSeperator, currency and decimal can be used simultaneously i.e.

{{currency FinalInvoiceTotal thousandsSeparator="S" currency="C" decimal="D"}} Output: C1S00D00

initial value, padding length, character to pad initial value with
leftPad function will add characters to the left of the initial value and the number of characters added will be indicated by the second argument (padding length).

{{leftPad OrderNumber 15}} - Output: 000000000051037

{{leftPad OrderNumber 15 character="L"}} - Output: LLLLLLLLLL51037

initial value, padding length, character to pad initial value with
rightPad function will add characters to the right of the initial value and the number of characters added will be indicated by the second argument (padding length).

{{rightPad OrderNumber 15}} - Output: 510370000000000

{{rightPad OrderNumber 15 character="R"}} - Output: 51037RRRRRRRRRR

an array, value to check for in array, the attribute of the array that you are looking to search for the specified value in

inArray function will look through an array for a specified attribute and if the value found is then the function will run the code surrounded by the opening and closing inArray tags.

<!-- {{#inArray OrderItems 510375 property="Number"}} --> 


<!-- {{/inArray}} -->

an array, index position in the array to start from

withAfter function will iterate through an array starting from the value passed as the second argument to this function. Arrays use zero based indexing so if you wanted to get the all of the values starting from the second element you would pass 1 as the index position. This works because 0 is the position of the first element in the array and 1 is the second and because it is starting from the number passed as an argument it will pass back all values starting from the second element onwards.

<!-- {{#withAfter OrderItems 1}} --> 


<!-- {{/withAfter}} -->

time tag
timeFormat function allows you to format times returned to documents.

<!-- {{#each OrderItems}} --> 

{{timeFormat EstimatedGraphicTime}}<br/>

<!-- {{/each}} -->

an array, the desired grouping number, an optional attribute of the array that you are looking to search for the specified value in
groupedEach function will break arrays into chunks. As per the example below if you had a list of ten items and wanted to displya two per row you could utilize groupedEach to do so.

<!-- {{#groupedEach 2 Parcels}} -->

<div class="row">

    {{#each this}}

        <div class="label">





<!-- {{/groupedEach}} -->

two dates to be compared against each other
isAfter function will return true if the first date passed to the function comes after the second date passed to the function.

<!-- {{#if  (isAfter @root.Today DueDate}} -->


<!-- {{else}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

two dates to be compared against each other
isBefore function will return true if the first date passed to the function comes before the second date passed to the function.

<!-- {{#if  (isBefore @root.Today DueDate}} -->


<!-- {{else}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

two dates to be compared against each other
isSame function will return true if both dates passed to the function are the same and false if they are not.

<!-- {{#if  (isSame @root.Today DueDate}} -->


<!-- {{else}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

two dates to be compared against each other
isSameOrAfter function will return true if the first date passed to the function comes after or is the same as the second date passed to the function.

<!-- {{#if  (isSameOrAfter @root.Today DueDate}} -->


<!-- {{else}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

two dates to be compared against each other
isSameOrBefore function will return true if the first date passed to the function comes before or is the same as the second date passed to the function.

<!-- {{#if  (isSameOrBefore @root.Today DueDate}} -->


<!-- {{else}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

an array, three optional parameters: filter - the value used to compare against either the contents of the array or the contents of the specified property of the array, property - the property of the elements of the array that will have its contents compared against, operator - used to perform comparison between the specified property and the filter (==, !=, >. >=, <, <=) or against only the specified property if you use one of the four check comparisons (IsEmpty, IsNotEmpty, IsNull, IsNotNull)
subset function will return a subset of an array based on a filter or a check.

<!-- {{#each (subset OrderItems property="Items" operator=”IsEmpty”)}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

*: In order to get a list of order items not including grouped items you would use the above code. If you wish to get only grouped items you would use the inverse of the ‘IsEmpty’ check, ‘IsNotEmpty’.

<!-- {{#each (subset NoteTypes filter="Graphic")}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

*: If you are iterating through an array and the array is of type string then to access the values within the array you would use the {{this}} tag

<!-- {{#each (subset AssignedToEmployees filter="Gene" property="Name")}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

*: If you wish to perform a filter based on an attribute of the object within the list you are filtering you must use ‘property=’ before the name of the attribute you are looking to filter by

Assemble IO Functions

Function NameInputBriefCode Example
an array
each function will iterate through an entire array from front to back.

<!-- {{#each OrderItems}} -->


<!-- {{/each}} -->

number to format and specified precision after the decimal
toFixed function takes a value and a number then returns a value with the specified number of decimal places.

{{toFixed FinalPretaxTotal 2}} - Output: 834.84

a numeric value
the ceil function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number.

{ceil Number}} - Output: 34

*Number tag’s value before ceil was applied 33.23423

initial value, test value
is function allows you to compare two values and if both are equal run the code surrounded by the is tags. Below example is comparing two tags, the same tag, which results in true and thus will run the code surrounded by the opening and closing is tags.

<!-- {{#is UnpaidAmount UnpaidAmount}} --> 


<!-- {{/is}} -->

an array
lengthEqual function will take an array and a possible length and if the length passed is the same length as the array then the function will run the code surrounded by the opening and closing lengthEqual tags.

<!-- {{#lengthEqual OrderItems 3}} -->


<!-- {{/lengthEqual}} --> 

*If there were 3 order items on the order the test would pass and the output would be: true

an array, index position in the array to stop before
withFirst function will iterate through an array and stop right before it gets to the value passed as the second argument to this function. Arrays use zero based indexing so if you wanted to get the first two order items on an order you would pass 2 as the index position. This works because 0 is the position of the first element in the array and 1 is the second and because it is stopping before the number passed as an argument it will pass back the first two elements 0  and 1.

<!-- {{#withFirst OrderItems 2}} --> 


<!-- {{/withFirst}} -->

Making Sense of the Assemble IO Handlebars-Helpers Library

https://github.com/helpers/handlebars-helpers - link to the GitHub repository where you will find the assemble io handlebars-helpers library

The lib folder is where you will find the actual library of code that holds and describes the functions that the assemble io library gives us access too. Here you will find javascript files separated by category. These categories group together functions that provide similar operations. i.e. the math.js file holds functions that perform mathematical operations and the string.js file holds functions that perform string parsing and manipulation.

https://github.com/helpers/handlebars-helpers/blob/master/lib/math.js - links to the math.js file in the GitHub repository

Once inside one of the javascript files you will find documented code that shows the use, purpose and logic behind all of the functions we have available to us.

Take the add function located on lines 22 - 39 of the math.js file.


* test comment, everything in between /** and */ is a comment about the function


These characters represent a comment, code that is not compiled or used when the function is called, comments throughout the javascript files will explain the purpose of the function as well as the parameters the function accepts and the return value type. In this case the function describes returning the sum of ‘a’ plus ‘b’, it accepts two parameters, a number and another number and it also returns a number. On to the function declaration, helpers.add describes the name of the function. The string immediately after ‘helpers.’ will be the name used when invoking the method on our documents. I.e. helpers.add - {{add Number Number}}. Then the ‘function(a, b)’ section of the method declaration describes the parameters/way in which the function accepts parameters. In this case the function is accepting two numeric values. I.e. {{add Number Number}}. Although the function shows a comma in between a and b, that has no bearing on our documents. It is a requirement of the javascript language when providing parameters for functions. When we invoke a function, our reference to function names and parameters will only be separated by a single whitespace. I.e. {{add Number Number}}. Below is the math.js add function taken from https://github.com/helpers/handlebars-helpers/blob/master/lib/math.js


 * Return the sum of `a` plus `b`.


 * @param {Number} `a`

 * @param {Number} `b`

 * @return {Number}

 * @api public


helpers.add = function(a, b) {

  if (isNumber(a) && isNumber(b)) {

    return Number(a) + Number(b);


  if (typeof a === 'string' && typeof b === 'string') {

    return a + b;


  return '';
