To Navigate to a Portal page:
Step Action
1. Select {Settings} and then select {Online Configuration} from the Online Ordering
2. Hover the mouse over the name of the desired portal page and select the pencil icon that appears on the right-hand side of the name. The Portal edit page will open.
Adding Navigation
Step Action
1. From the Portal page, select {New} under the Navigation section. A New Navigation modal will open.
2. Add a navigation name and then select a portal page from the drop-down menu.
3. Select {Save}. A results window will pop-up to confirm Navigation saved successfully.
Editing Navigation
Step Action
1. From the Portal page, hover the mouse over the name of the navigation page to be edited
and select the pencil icon that appears on the right-hand side of the name.
The Navigation modal will open.
3. Make required changes.
4. Select {Save}. A results window will pop-up to confirm Navigation saved successfully.
Deleting Navigation
Step Action
1. Scroll to the Navigation section and select items to be deleted by checking boxes on the left- hand side of the name. To delete all items, check the box to the left-hand side of {New} under Navigation.
2. Select {Delete}. A window will pop-up to confirm selected items to be deleted.
3. Select {Ok}. A results window will pop-up to confirm Navigation successfully deleted.