Existing quote, order, group and product items can be inserted on the items table. This will create a new item from the existing one.
- Details from the original item will be copied identically into your new item including: commissions, tags, overrides, etc. These will not update even if the customer is changed on the order/quote/product.
- If an item has had changes to the job template or product since it was originally , it may result in pricing changes. When item details are saved, the system will recalculate the item, and pricing will update to reflect any job template/product changes.
- Any overrides on the original order will be copied into your reorder/quote. This will supersede any changes that have been made to job templates or products since the original order was created.
Step Action
1. Select {Insert} under Items. An Add Item modal window will open.
2. Select items to be added by using the {+} button to left-hand side of the Item #.
3. Select {Add}. A results window will pop-up to confirm the items successfully added to the order.