Bulk Actions are a selection of fields that can be used to quickly update information on one or more items without having to edit them individually. The system will determine if a recalculation needs to be done based on the Bulk Actions tool being used and the fields that are being updated.
Step Action
1. From the Production page, select the production tab with items to bulk action.
Note: Items can only be bulk actioned from one tab at a time.
2. Select entries to action by checking boxes on the left-hand side. You can action all entries
by checking box to left of {Bulk Actions}.
3. Select {Bulk Actions}. A modal window will open.
4. Select entries to action by checking boxes on the left-hand side. Complete fields for selected
Select {Show Advanced Options} to open a modal window with an expanded list of
Bulk Actions.
Note: Status and Tags can also be bulk removed by selecting the box on the right-hand side
of Bulk Remove.
5. Select {Save}. A results window will pop-up to indicate the selected order items have been
List of Bulk Action Fields: