Shipment Import CSV

Import Location

Order level > 3 dots to the right of Shipments > Import

The table below outlines each column included in the Shipment-Template.csv file available at the bottom of the page. Additional Details are provided as well as Max Character/Values. Some fields are required for a successful import, these fields are color coded as follows:

Required Fields

Blue HighlightRequired for Shipments without Parcels
Green HighlightRequired for Shipments with Parcels in addition to Blue Requirements above.
No Highlight
Field is not Required for import.

ColumnAdditional DetailsMax Characters/Values
Shipment NameUsed to locate existing shipments

If no match is found using Shipment Name, a new shipment will be created for that row.

Shipment Date

If the Shipment Date is set to a value in the past, import will fail.

Must match the format in Settings > Admin > Configuration.

Shipping Note

No size limit

Shipping Is Taxable

Must be TRUE or FALSE

Tax Rate

Must match an already existing tax type or the importer will fail.

Multiple Tax Rates can be applied. Must be separated by ; with no spaces. Example: PST;HST

Billing Use As Customer

Must be Customer Location or Address Location

Billing Contact Name

Refers to the Billing Contact Name

Billing Location Name


Billing Location Address


Billing Location City


Billing Location Region

Must match abbreviated Prov/State in the system of import will fail.

If region is not in the Settings > Customers > Locations, you will need to add the Name and Abbreviation prior to importing.


Billing Location Country

Must be a valid country name or import will fail


Billing Location Zip/Postal Code

Destination Use As Customer

Must be Customer Location or Address Location

Destination Contact Name

Refers to the Destination Contact Name

Destination Location Name

Refers to the name of the Location object being created containing the location information about the destination address


Destination Location Address


Destination Location City


Destination Location Region

Must match abbreviated Prov/State in the system of import will FAIL.

If region is not in the Settings > Customers > Locations, you will need to add the Name and Abbreviation prior to importing.


Destination Location Country

Must be a valid country name or import will fail.


Destination Location Zip/Postal Code

No limit on size / format

Parcel NameRequired if creating a shipment with parcels.150

Parcel Dimension Units

Max value is 2147483647

Parcel Length

Max 4 decimals

Max value is 9,999.9999

Parcel Width

Max 4 decimals

Max value is 9,999.9999

Parcel Height

Max 4 decimals

Max value is 9,999.9999

Parcel Mass Units

Max value is 2147483647

Parcel Weight

Max 4 decimals

Max value is 9,999.9999


Must match an existing order item number or import will fail.

A least 1 order item must be included in the parcel.


Refers to the quantity of the order item allocated to the parcel.

Value required or import will fail.


Used for adding additional order items to the parcel.


Used for allocating additional order item quantities to the parcel.

Formatting Guidelines

The following guidelines should be noted when creating your Shipments.CSV file for import:

  • Column names must follow the exact same naming scheme as provided or the import upload will fail.  
  • Each row in the .csv will represent a shipping parcel with allocations.
  • When creating a shipment, the Origin Location will default to your company's billing address name and location as set on Settings > Admin > Account. Only the Billing and Destination Location are entered on the Shipments .CSV for import.
  • Region and Country are case sensitive and must be an exact match to those entered in your Location Settings (See Locations).
  • Multiple Tax Rates can be applied (Tax Rates need to be separated in a semi-colon array).

Validation of the import file will fail if any of the following information is not correctly provided:

  • Parcel dimension (L, H, W)
  • Parcel mass units (not provided or unable to find a match)
  • Parcel dimension units (not provided or unable to find a match)
  • Parcel Order Item allocation is not provided (t least 1 Order Item must be allocated)