Getting Started

If you are new to the HTML document/canned email tag system, you can get an overview of tags, objects and loops here

Accessing The Order Object

Access to this object is dependent on what document or canned email type you are trying to access the object from. Start by finding the document or canned email type you are working with from the links provided below. Follow the chart for your specified document or canned email type to see if the object is accessible, and if so, where it is located.  You may need to use a combination of loops and/or chaining to access this object. 

HTML Tags by Document Type

HTML Tags by Email Type

Accessing The Order Tags

Assuming you have access to the Order object, you must do one of the following:

1. Prefix the object's name to the required tag

2. If the tag contains an 'Additional Sub Object', then the tag must prefix the sub-object tag and suffix the object

3. If the tag is a list type, then the tag must be looped. The sub-object tags should be nested within the loop. 

4. If the object itself is a list type, then the object must be looped. The tags and/or sub-object tags should be nested within the loop.

5. If the object itself and the sub-object are list types, then both objects must be looped. The sub-sub-objects tags and/or objects should be nested within the loop.

Here is a chart displaying these use cases.

<!-- {{#each Order.TagName}} -->
        {{SubObjectTagName}} <br />
<!-- {{/each}} -->
<!-- {{#each Order.GraphicsNotes}} -->
        {{Notes}} <br />
<!-- {{/each}} -->
<!-- {{#each Orders}} -->
        {{TagName}} <br />
<!-- {{/each}} -->
<!-- {{#each Orders}} -->
        {{Number}} <br />
<!-- {{/each}} -->
<!-- {{#each Orders}} -->
  <!-- {{#each  TagName}} -->
          {{SubObjectTagName}} <br />
  <!-- {{/each}} -->

<!-- {{/each}} -->

<!-- {{#each Orders}} -->
<!-- {{#each OrderItems}} -->
        {{ItemTotal}} <br />
<!-- {{/each}} -->
<!-- {{/each}} -->


Tag Name
Additional Sub Object
ApprovedTotalThe amount entered on the approved total.Decimal Value
BarcodeA barcode can be generated to populate the url to the order.
The tags relating to a location can be accessed for the default billing location input on the order.

Location Tags
The tags relating to a contact can be accessed for the contact who is set as the contact on the order. 
Contact Tags
ContactIdThe contact id.Guid
CSRThe tags relating to a employee can be accessed for the employee who is set as the csr on the order. 
Employee Tags
The id of the employee who is the selected CSR.Guid
CustomerThe tags relating to a customer can be accessed for the customer who is set as the customer on the order. 
Customer Tags
CustomerIdThe customer idGuid
DiscountTotalThe total amount of discounts that have been applied to items on the order.Decimal Value
The tags relating to a entries can be accessed for the for entries that been applied to the order.
ListOrder Entry Allocation Tags
FilesThe tags relating to a file can be accessed for the uploaded files on the order. List
File Tags
GenericNotesThe tags relating to notes can be accessed for the generic type notes input on the order.ListNote Tags
The total amount of graphics that have been applied to items on the order.Decimal Value
IdThe id of the order.Guid
InvoiceDateThe date set as the invoice date.Date/Time
InvoiceDeliveryThe invoice delivery that has been selected on the order.
InvoiceDueDateThe date set as the invoice due date.Date/Time
The tags relating to notes can be accessed for the invoice type notes input on the order.
ListNote Tags
The total amount of the order after taxes.Decimal Total
The total amount of the items before graphics and discounts.Decimal Total

ItemsTotalThe total amount of the items plus graphics and minus discounts.Decimal Total

NameThe name of the order that has been input on the order.Text
NumberThe system generated order number.Whole Number

The date set as the order date.Date/Time
The tags relating to an item can be accessed for the items on the order.

Order Item Tags
OrderPaymentsThe tags relating to an payment can be accessed for the payments on the order.

Order Payment Tags
The url to the order status page.Text
The type of the order, values can be order, quote, product, cart or group template.Text
The total amount that has been paid or credited on the order.Decimal Total

PaymentTermsThe payment terms that has been selected on the order.
The url to the pay order page.Text

PostageTotalThe total postage amount entered on the order.Decimal Total

PreDiscountPriceThe item price plus graphics.
Decimal Total

PreTaxTotalThe total amount of the items plus graphics, shipping and postage, minus discounts.
Decimal Total

The tags relating to the previous order can be accessed for the previous order.

Previous Order Tags
The id of the previous order.Guid
PurchaseOrderNumberThe purchase order number that has been input on the order.Text
The url to the quote approvalText
The date set as the quote date.Date/Time
ReceiverThe tags relating to a employee can be accessed for the employee who is set as the receiver on the order.
Employee Tags
The id of the employee who is the selected receiver.Guid
The tags relating to a employee can be accessed for the employee who is set as the sales rep on the order.

Employee Tags
SalesRepEmployeeIdThe id of the employee who is the selected sales rep.
The tags relating to a shipment can be accessed for the shipments input on the order.ListShipment Tags
ShippingLocationThe tags relating to a location can be accessed for the default shipping location input on the order.

Location Tags
ShippingNotesThe tags relating to notes can be accessed for the shiopnotes input on the order.
ListNote Tags
ShippingTotalThe total amount of shipping on the order.Decimal Total

The shipping type that has been selected on the order.

Shipping Type Tags
StatusThe tags relating to statuses can be accessed for the statuses set on the order.

Order Status Tags
TagsA list of the tag (names) applied to the order..
TaxesThe tags relating to the taxes can be accessed for the tax rates input on the order.ListOrder Tax Tags
TaxTotalThe total amount of tax on the order.
Decimal Total

UnpaidAmountThe outstanding balance of the order.Decimal Total

UrlPathThe url to the order.Text