Data Sets work together with Data Schema to provide formatting of data as well as prefill options that can auto populate multiple fields on a variable template layout.

Data Schema

Data Schema outline the formatting rules of data.

Identifying String
Located in the Data Schema window

  • The field selected will show to the end user when they select prefill info from a Data Set.
  • This field value will also be appended to the end of the product’s name once you proceed back to the product details page.

Data Sets

Data Sets contain the prefill options and values that will populate specific fields on a variable template.

Step 1: Create a Data Schema

  • On the Home screen, click on Data
  • Click New > Schema
  • Enter a Name for this Schema
  • To the Right of Fields click Add Field

Fields need to sync up to the naming conventions in your Design. There are different options available for Field Types which are outlined below.

GS1 Data

GS1 Data Fields are to be used specifically for GS1 type barcodes. These barcodes are symbols that can be scanned by proper systems and play a key role in certain supply chains.


Image Fields allow you to offer the end user a selection of images to choose from and apply to a variable template layout.


String Fields are used specifically for text input.


Number Fields allow you to select a format for phone number entry such as (###) ###-####. This format will apply to an end user's input to create consistency between orders.

Step 2: Set the Identifying String

  • Within the Data Schema window under Identifying String click Add Field Name.
  • The field selected will show to the end user when they select prefill info from a Data Set.

Step 3: Create a Data Set

  • Click on New
  • Provide a Name for the Data Set
  • Assign the Data Schema
  • Under Grid click Add Row

Each row in the Data Set contains the prefill data values for each field that you wish to be prefilled.