Security RoleSubsectionsDescription
Admin Page

Add Users

Delete Users

Edit Users


Add Budgets

Add Credit Cards

Delete Credit Cards

Add Customer Locations

Edit Customer Locations

Delete Customer Locations

Add User Locations

Edit User Locations

Delete User Locations

Assign Products

Enabling the Admin page will allow the user to see all users registered for their company on the portal. You can also enable the ability to add, delete and edit user profiles.

Profile Page


Add Budgets

Add Credit Cards

Delete Credit Cards

Add Customer Locations

Edit Customer Locations

Delete Customer Locations

Add User Locations

Edit User Locations

Delete User Locations

Assign Products

The profile page shows the user's online ordering profile information. You can set permissions that allow them to edit the information on the page.
Budget Balance
Enabling the Budget Balance will allow the user access to their company's budgets and allow them to allocate budget funds for their orders.
Hide Prices
Hiding prices will remove all pricing from the portal so that the user can not see that information. The user should have "On Account" set as their payment method so that payment is not needed when checking out. 
Approval Page

Proof Approval

All Contacts Proofs

Quote Approval

All Contacts Quotes

Cart Approval

The Approvals page will allow the user to approve Proofs, Quotes, and/or Carts waiting for approval. Selecting the "All Contact" options will allow the user to approve for all contacts under their customer. 
Inventory Page

The Inventory page allows the user to see the status of any Finished Customer Goods under their customer. 
Orders With Balances Page

All Contacts Orders

Orders with Balances shows any orders that have a balance owing. The user can select one or many of these orders and make payments on them. Enabling "All Contacts Orders" will let the user see order with balances for all contacts under their customer. 

Order Status Page


All Customer Orders

The Order Status page shows all orders placed, their order name and number, the date ordered, quantities and names of items, and their status in production. "All Customer Orders" will allow the user to see all orders places by all contacts under their customer. 

Checkout Billing Address

Saved Locations

Customer Locations

Edit Address

Enabling Checkout Billing Address will allow the use to edit the billing address on the checkout page.

Checkout Shipping Address

Saved Locations

Customer Locations

Edit Address

Enabling Checkout Shipping Address will allow the use to edit the shipping address on the checkout page.