This shows any Quotes for this contact. By default, you will see the first 5 orders. If you would like to see all orders click on the View All button.
| Description
Quotes | This shows any Quotes for this Contact.
 - New Quotes can be created by clicking on the + icon.
- A sub-action menu will open using the vertical ellipses.

For more information, see Quotes. |
| This shows any Items for this contact.

- Hovering mouse over an item, a vertical ellipses will display. Clicking on the vertical ellipses will open a sub-action menu.

Action | Description | Summary | This allows for the item summary to be displayed. The summary is informational and cannot be printed. | Edit | This will redirect you to the Item Edit page. | Workorder | This allows for a workorder o be generated for printing or downloading.
Workorder document options can be customized. For more information, see Documents - Creating a New Document. | Delete | This allows for the item to be deleted. |
To create an quote see Creating a New Quote