Now that you have created Stocks, Presses, and Department Items it is time to put them to work by creating Quotes. 

  • Navigate to Quotes in the Side Navigation Menu Panel.
  • Click on New.
  • Enter a Name for the Quote so you can find it later.
  • Select a Customer and a Contact from the drop downs.
  • Click Save.

This will create the container for the quote in which we can begin to add Items.

  • Under Items select New > Quick Add.

The Quick Add modal window will appear which allows you to enter the specs for a quote item all on one screen. Let's start with something simple like a tri fold brochure. In the example below you can see the necessary fields to start creating this item.

Choose a Stock by clicking on the + icon to the right of the word Stock. The Run Size will auto populate based on the Parent Size of the selected stock. The Flat Size is the size of the piece before and post press or bindery operations have been completed. 

The Run Size and the Flat Size work together to create the imposition. The Finish Size is strictly informational and does not have any bearing on pricing, this field is used to convey the finished size of the item to your prepress and bindery departments.

Department Items can be added by clicking on the + icon. This will open a modal window displaying all of the Department Items in your system. Use the Name field or Group drop down and then Search to find the department items that you are looking for.

One Quantity is required for the system to calculate pricing correctly, additional quantities can be added by clicking on the + icon to the right of the Discount field. Once you have added at least one quantity click Save.

Edit Mode

After clicking Save you will be brought back to the Quote View. If you would like to make additional edits to the Quote Item click on the Quote Item Number and then Enable Edit Mode.

Edit Mode provides you with access to all of the fields that were available in Quick Add as well as other functionality.


The Pricing section allows you to edit the quantities of the quote item, and if you scroll to the bottom of the page you can add, edit, and delete Department Items.


The Details section allows you to edit the Name, Sets, Versions, and Pages fields as well as Order Due Options.

Please note that the Sheets field is displayed in grey which means that it is being driven by a different field. Anything that you see in DockManager that is greyed out should be left to auto calculate. Less is more when it comes to quote and order fields. 


The Stock section allows you to change the Stock by clicking on the Pencil icon to the right of the stock. The Run Size, Flat Size, and Finish Size can also be adjusted in this tab. The Imposition button allows further customization to the imposition if needed.


The Press section allows you to change the Press by clicking the Pencil icon to the right of the press name. The Sheets field can also be revised under Single or Double Sided Sheets.


The Finishing section shows the cutting breakdown for this item. Pre Cuts and Post Cuts are listed with the Price Per Cut and the Number of Lifts needed to cut this item.


The Outsource section allows you to log Vendor information and Pricing for buyout portions of a job.