Name | Description | Type | Additional Sub Object |
ActualGraphicTime | The actual graphics time for an order item calculated off graphics timers. | Long | |
AllocatedCustomerGoods | The quantity of customer goods on an order item customer good depletion that are allocated. | Whole Number | |
AssignedToEmployeeIds | The id of the employee(s) who are selected as the assigned to. | List | |
AssignedToEmployees | A list of the employee(s) name(s) who are selected as the assigned to. | List | |
BackOrderedCustomerGoods | The quantity of customer goods on an order item customer good depletion that are backordered. | Whole Number | |
Barcode | A barcode can be generated to populate the url to the item. | Text | |
Budget | The tags relating to a budget can be accessed for the selected budget on the order item. | Budget Tags | |
CalculateBy | The method the order item is being calculated with. | Text | |
Commissions | The tags relating to a commission record can be accessed for the commission record(s) on the order item. | List | Commission Tags |
CostSheets | The number of sheets that has been input or calculated used to calculate cost and pull from inventory. | Whole Number | |
CustomerGood | The tags relating to a customer good can be accessed for the related customer good on the order item. | Customer Good Tags | |
CustomStockName | The name of the custom stock that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
DepartmentItems | The tags relating to a department item can be accessed for the department item(s) on the order item. | List | Department Item Tags |
Description | The multi line description that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
DoubleSidedBlackSheets | The number of black/black sheets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
DoubleSidedColorSheets | The number of color/color sheets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
DoubleSidedMixedSheets | The number of color/black sheets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
DueDate | The due date input on the item that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
EstimatedGraphicTime | The estimated time input that has been input on the order item. | Long | |
Files | The tags relating to a file can be accessed for the uploaded files on the order item. | List | File Tags |
FinishingDate | The finishing due date that has been input on the item. | Date/Time | |
FinishingNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the finishing type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
FinishSize | The tags relating to a size can be accessed for the finish size on the order item. | Dimension Tags | |
FlatSize | The tags relating to a size can be accessed for the flat size on the order item. | Dimension Tags | |
GenericNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the generic type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
GraphicArtist | The employee who is selected as the graphic artist on the order item. | Employee Tags | |
GraphicArtistEmployeeId | The id of the employee who is selected as the graphic artist. | Guid | |
GraphicFile | The name of the file that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
GraphicNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the graphic type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
GraphicPrice | The price of the graphics calculated on the order item. | Decimal Value | |
GraphicsDueDate | The graphics due date input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
Group | The tags relating to the items in a group can be accessed for the items in the group on the order. | Group Line Item Tags | |
GroupId | The id of the group. | Guid | |
Id | The id of the item. | Guid | |
InkCoverage | The ink coverage selected on the order item: light, average or heavy. | Text | |
InventoryStatus | The inventory status seletec on the item: unallocated, allocated, requires order or pulled. | Text | |
IsFirm | True if the due date is set to firm, False if it can change. | True/False | |
ItemPrice | The price of the item before graphics and discounts. | Decimal Value | |
Items | A list of items. | List | Order Item Tags |
ItemTotal | The price of the item plus graphics and minus discounts. | Decimal Value | |
Name | The name of the item that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
Number | The system generated number of the item. | Whole Number | |
NumberingColor | The color of the numbering that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
NumberingEnd | The end number of the numbering calculated on the order item. | Text | |
NumberingPrefix | The prefix of the numbering that is input on the order item. | Text | |
NumberingStart | The start number of the numbering entered or calculated on the order item. | Text | |
NumberOfSides | The number of sides that have been selected on the order item. | Whole Number | |
On | The number of on that has been input on the order item. | Decimal Value | |
Order | The tags relating to an order can be accessed for the order this order item is related to. | Order Tags | |
OrderDueOption | The tags relating to an order due option can be accessed for the order due option selected on the order item. | Order Due Option Tags | |
OrderId | The id of the order. | Guid | |
OutsourcedNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the outsourced type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
Overs | The number of overs that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Pages | The number of pages that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PostCutLifts | The number of post cut lifts that calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PostCuts | The number of post cuts that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCutLifts | The number of pre cut lifts that calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCutOuts | The pre cut outs that has been calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCuts | The number of pre cuts that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCutTo | The pre cut to size that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Dimension Tags | |
PreDiscountPrice | The item price plus graphics. | Decimal Value | |
Press | The tags relating to a press can be accessed for the press selected on the order item. | Press Tags | |
PressDueDate | The press due date that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
PressNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the press type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
PressSheets | The number of press sheets calculated on the order item. | Decimal Value | |
PressSize | The tags relating to a size can be accessed for the press size that has been input on the order item. | Dimension Tags | |
PressTime | The press time calculated on the order item. | Long | |
PreviousItem | The tags relating to a previous item can be accessed for item that is linked to the order item. | Previous Item Tags | |
PricePerPiece | The item price divided by the quantity time versions. | Decimal Value | |
PricePerThousand | The item price divded by the quantity divided by 1000. | Decimal Value | |
Product | The tags relating to a product can be accessed for the product that was used to create the order item. | Product Tags | |
ProductId | The id of the product | Guid | |
ProductionQuantity | The selected quantity plus the overs. | Whole Number | |
ProductionSheets | Decimal Number | ||
Proof | The tags relating to a proof can be accessed for the proof records on the order item. | Proof Tags | |
ProofApprovalDate | The proof approval date that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
ProofDueDate | The proof approval date that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
PulledCustomerGoods | The quantity of customer goods on an order item customer good depletion that are pulled. | Whole Number | |
Quantity | A quantity input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
QuantityDisplayMode | |||
Queue | The queue that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
QuotePrices | The tags relating to a quote price can be accessed for the quantities and prices on the order item. | List | Quote Price Tags |
Reservations | The tags relating to a reservation can be accessed for the stock reservations on the order item. | List | Purchase Order Item Reservation Tags |
SelectedOrderItemQuoteId | The id of the selected order item quote. | Guid | |
SelectedQuotePrice | The item price of the selected quantity. | Quote Price Tags | |
Sets | The sets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Sheets | The sheets that has been input or calcualted on the order item. | Whole Number | |
SheetwiseForms | The number of calculated or input sheetwise forms. | Whole Number | |
ShipDate | The shipping due date input on the item. | Date/Time | |
ShippingNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the shipping type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
Side1 | The tags relating to a side can be accessed for side 1 on the order item. | Side Tags | |
Side2 | The tags relating to a side can be accessed for side 2 on the order item. | Side Tags | |
SingleSidedBlackSheets | The number of black/0 sheets. | Whole Number | |
SingleSidedColorSheets | The number of color/0 sheets. | Whole Number | |
SortIndex | The sortindex for the order item. | Whole Number | |
Statuses | The tags relating to a status can be accessed the status(es) that has been selected on the order item. | List | Order Item Status Tags |
Stock | The tags relating to a stock can be accessed for the stock that has been selected on the order item. | Stock Tags | |
StockId | The id of the stock. | Guid | |
StockSheets | The number of sheets that has been input or calculated used to calculate price. | Whole Number | |
Tags | A list of the tag (names) applied to the order item. | List | |
Template | The template of the selected option on the order item. | Text | |
TemplateGroup | The group related to the template of the selected option on the order item. | Text | |
TemplateOption | The template selected on the order item. | Text | |
TotalQuantity | The selected quantity times the sets. | Whole Number | |
Type | The type of the item: order, quote, product or cart. | Text | |
UnitOfMeasure | The unit of measure that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
Up | The number of up that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
UrlPath | The url to the item. | Text | |
UseEstimatedGraphicTime | True if the estimated graphics time is being used in the price, False if it is not being used. | True/False | |
VendorQuotes | The tags relating to a vendor quote can be accessed for the outsourced that has been input on the order item. | List | Vendor Quote Tags |
Versions | The number of versions input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Waste | The number of waste sheets that is calculated or input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
WideFormatMode | The mode of the wide format press that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
WideFormatType | The type of the wide format press that has been selected on the order item | Text | |
WorkTurn | The work turn method that is set on the order item. | Text | |
WorkTurnForms | The number of calculated or input work turn forms. | Whole Number |