The Orders page is divided into the following sections:
| Description
Order Name | This shows the Order name and number. The invoice icon appears when an invoice has been printed or emailed on an order. Hovering the mouse over the blue invoice icon will show the date the invoice was printed/emailed.
Actions | This allows for the following actions to be taken on an Order.
 Action | Description | Edit | Opens the Order Edit Modal. | Post/Unpost | Allows for the order to be posted, meaning the order is ready to be invoiced. A posted order can also be unposted.
Posted orders are locked from changes and are included in the accounts receivable and calculated sales values. (To read more about accounts receivable, see Accounting - Accounts Receivable.) | Void/Unvoid | Allows for the order to be void. A voided order can also be unvoided.
Note: An Order cannot be voided if it has payments on it. The payments must first be deleted before voiding the order. (To delete a payment, see Payments - Deleting a Payment) | Print Invoice | Generates a printed invoice for the selected order. Note: The option to Print Invoice will not be visible on a voided order. | Email Invoice | Generates an email with an invoice attachment for the selected order. Note: The option to Email Invoice will not be visible on a voided order. | Print Packing Slip | Generates a printed packing slip for the selected order.
Note: At least 1 item must be selected to Print Packing Slip. | Send Shipped Email | Generates an email with a Confirmation of Shipping attachment for the selected item. | Print Shipping Label | Generates a printed shipping label for the selected order.
| Reorder | Creates a new order from the existing selected order.
Note: Reordering from a past order will copy the customer details identically into your new order, even if those details have been updated to something else in the CRM. | Convert to Quote | Converts the selected order into a quote. | Records | Allows records for the current order to be viewed.
Note: The records option will only appear if an email has been sent on the order or item |
Order Information Boxes
| These boxes provide general information about the selected stock.
Order Date - shows date of order. Invoice/Not Invoiced - indicates if the order has been invoiced/not invoiced. # of Items - shows the number of items in the order. Total - shows the total value of the order. Paid - shows the total amount of the order that has been paid. Balance - shows the balance of the order still to be paid.
| This shows all items for the selected Order.
 For more information, see Items - Items Table. |
Customer Details | This shows general details for the order and the customer including:- Type
- Status
- Previous/Reordered Order# or Converted Quote#
- Customer on the order
- Contact on the order
- Receiver
- Sales Rep
- Billing Address on the order
- Shipping Address on the order
- Ship Type
- Invoice Method
- Terms
- Tax Type
- PO Number
|  |
| This shows invoice and pricing details for the selected order including:- Order Date
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Due Date
- Total
- Graphic
- Discount
- Shipping
- Postage
- Subtotal
- Tax
- Total
- Approved Total
For more information on Shipping field, see Shipments - Pricing Hierarchy.
For more information on Invoices, see Orders - Invoices.
| |
| This shows Payments for this order.
Click on the pencil icon to edit the payment. Click the + icon to add a non-credit card payment Hover mouse over + icon and click Credit Card to make a credit card payment.
For more information, see Orders - Payments. |  |
Files | This shows any Files for this order.
For more information, see General - Files. |  |
| This shows any Tasks for this order. For more information, see General - Tasks. |  |
Notes | This shows any Notes for this order. For more information, see General - Notes. |  |
Entries | This shows any Entries for this order.
Click on the Entry name to view the entry. Click the + icon to add an entry. For more information, see Accounting - Entries.
|  |
Shipments | This shows any Shipments for this order.
For more information, see Shipments - Creating a Shipment. |