To navigate to a Variable Template:
Step Action
1. Select {Settings} and then select {Variable Templates} from the Online Ordering section.
2. Use search filters to locate the desired Variable Template.
3. Select the pencil icon to open the Variable Template edit page.
To Edit Field setup:
Step Action
1. Select {Field Setup} on the Templates tab.
2. Select a field to expand. Select {Field scripting} tab and then select {HTML Markup}. The
field scripting box will expand.
Things to check:
- The appropriate fields don't have suppression {{}} brackets.
- To fix the issue, add brackets.
- The Suppress Blank Lines box is not checked.
- To fix the issue, check box on bottom left of 'Suppress Blank Lines'
- The first line of the html has suppression {{}} brackets
- To fix the issue, the lines breaks must be done with </br> instead of actual line breaks
- Incorrect Scripting:
{{<font face="futuraBT-Bold" fontsize="7">Phone: </font>@phPhone@}}
{{<font face="futuraBT-Bold" fontsize="7">Cell: </font>@pfCell@}}
{{<font face="futuraBT-Bold" fontsize="7">Fax: </font>@phFax@}}
- Correct Scripting:
{{<font face="futuraBT-Bold" fontsize="7">Phone: </font>@phPhone@<br/>}}{{<font face="futuraBT-Bold" fontsize="7">Cell: </font>@pfCell@<br/>}}{{<font face="futuraBT-Bold" fontsize="7">Fax: </font>@phFax@}}
3. Select {Commit Changes}. Confirmation will appear that template updated. The
{Test Template} tab can be selected to view template.