Getting Started
If you are new to the HTML document/canned email tag system, you can get an overview of tags, objects and loops here.
Accessing The OrderItem Object
Access to this object is dependent on what document or canned email type you are trying to access the object from. Start by finding the document or canned email type you are working with from the links provided below. Follow the chart for your specified document or canned email type to see if the object is accessible, and if so, where it is located. You may need to use a combination of loops and/or chaining to access this object.
Accessing The OrderItem Tags
Assuming you have access to the OrderItem object, you must do one of the following:
1. Prefix the object's name to the required tag
2. If the tag contains an 'Additional Sub Object', then the tag must prefix the sub-object tag and suffix the object
3. If the tag is a list type, then the tag must be looped. The sub-object tags should be nested within the loop.
4. If the object itself is a list type, then the object must be looped. The tags and/or sub-object tags should be nested within the loop.
5. If the object itself and the sub-object are list types, then both objects must be looped. The sub-sub-objects tags and/or objects should be nested within the loop.
Here is a chart displaying these use cases.
Syntax | Example | |
1 | {{OrderItem.TagName}} | {{OrderItem.Number}} |
2 | {{OrderItem.TagName.SubObjectTagName}} | {{OrderItem.Budget.Name}} |
3 | <!-- {{#each OrderItem.TagName}} --> {{SubObjectTagName}} <br /> <!-- {{/each}} --> | <!-- {{#each OrderItem.Commissions}} --> {{Percentage}} <br /> <!-- {{/each}} --> |
4 | <!-- {{#each OrderItems}} --> {{TagName}} <br /> <!-- {{/each}} --> | <!-- {{#each OrderItems}} --> {{Number}} <br /> <!-- {{/each}} --> |
5 | <!-- {{#each OrderItems}} --> <!-- {{#each TagName}} --> {{SubObjectTagName}} <br /> <!-- {{/each}} --> <!-- {{/each}} --> | <!-- {{#each OrderItems}} --> <!-- {{#each GraphicsNotes}} --> {{Notes}} <br /> <!-- {{/each}} --> <!-- {{/each}} --> |
Tag Name | Description | Type | Additional Sub Object |
ActualGraphicTime | The actual graphics time for an order item calculated off graphics timers. | Long | |
AllocatedCustomerGoods | The quantity of customer goods on an order item customer good depletion that are allocated. | Whole Number | |
AssignedToEmployeeIds | The id of the employee(s) who are selected as the assigned to. | List | |
AssignedToEmployees | A list of the employee(s) name(s) who are selected as the assigned to. | List | |
BackOrderedCustomerGoods | The quantity of customer goods on an order item customer good depletion that are backordered. | Whole Number | |
Barcode | A barcode can be generated to populate the url to the item. | Text | |
Budget | The tags relating to a budget can be accessed for the selected budget on the order item. | Budget Tags | |
CalculateBy | The method the order item is being calculated with. | Text | |
Commissions | The tags relating to a commission record can be accessed for the commission record(s) on the order item. | List | Commission Tags |
CostSheets | The number of sheets that has been input or calculated used to calculate cost and pull from inventory. | Whole Number | |
CustomerGood | The tags relating to a customer good can be accessed for the related customer good on the order item. | Customer Good Tags | |
CustomStockName | The name of the custom stock that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
DepartmentItems | The tags relating to a department item can be accessed for the department item(s) on the order item. | List | Department Item Tags |
Description | The multi line description that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
DoubleSidedBlackSheets | The number of black/black sheets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
DoubleSidedColorSheets | The number of color/color sheets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
DoubleSidedMixedSheets | The number of color/black sheets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
DueDate | The due date input on the item that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
EstimatedGraphicTime | The estimated time input that has been input on the order item. | Long | |
Files | The tags relating to a file can be accessed for the uploaded files on the order item. | List | File Tags |
FinishingDate | The finishing due date that has been input on the item. | Date/Time | |
FinishingNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the finishing type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
FinishSize | The tags relating to a size can be accessed for the finish size on the order item. | Dimensions Tags | |
FlatSize | The tags relating to a size can be accessed for the flat size on the order item. | Dimensions Tags | |
Imposition | The tags relating to the imposition can be accessed on the order item. | Imposition Tags | |
GenericNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the generic type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
GraphicArtist | The employee who is selected as the graphic artist on the order item. | Employee Tags | |
GraphicArtistEmployeeId | The id of the employee who is selected as the graphic artist. | Guid | |
GraphicFile | The name of the file that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
GraphicNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the graphic type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
GraphicPrice | The price of the graphics calculated on the order item. | Decimal Value | |
GraphicsDueDate | The graphics due date input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
Group | The tags relating to the items in a group can be accessed for the items in the group on the order. | Group Line Item Tags | |
GroupId | The id of the group. | Guid | |
Id | The id of the item. | Guid | |
InkCoverage | The ink coverage selected on the order item: light, average or heavy. | Text | |
InventoryStatus | The inventory status seletec on the item: unallocated, allocated, requires order or pulled. | Text | |
IsFirm | True if the due date is set to firm, False if it can change. | True/False | |
ItemPrice | The price of the item before graphics and discounts. | Decimal Value | |
Items | A list of items. | List | |
ItemTotal | The price of the item plus graphics and minus discounts. | Decimal Value | |
Name | The name of the item that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
Number | The system generated number of the item. | Whole Number | |
NumberingColor | The color of the numbering that has been input on the order item. | Text | |
NumberingEnd | The end number of the numbering calculated on the order item. | Text | |
NumberingPrefix | The prefix of the numbering that is input on the order item. | Text | |
NumberingStart | The start number of the numbering entered or calculated on the order item. | Text | |
NumberOfSides | The number of sides that have been selected on the order item. | Whole Number | |
On | The number of on that has been input on the order item. | Decimal Value | |
Order | The tags relating to an order can be accessed for the order this order item is related to. | List | Order Tags |
OrderDueOption | The tags relating to an order due option can be accessed for the order due option selected on the order item. | Order Due Option Tags | |
OrderId | The id of the order. | Guid | |
OutsourcedNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the outsourced type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
Overs | The number of overs that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Pages | The number of pages that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PostCutLifts | The number of post cut lifts that calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PostCuts | The number of post cuts that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCutLifts | The number of pre cut lifts that calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCutOuts | The pre cut outs that has been calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCuts | The number of pre cuts that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
PreCutTo | The pre cut to size that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Dimensions Tags | |
PreDiscountPrice | The item price plus graphics. | Decimal Value | |
Press | The tags relating to a press can be accessed for the press selected on the order item. | Press Tags | |
PressDueDate | The press due date that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
PressNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the press type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
PressSheets | The number of press sheets calculated on the order item. | Decimal Value | |
PressSize | The tags relating to a size can be accessed for the press size that has been input on the order item. | Dimensions Tags | |
PressTime | The press time calculated on the order item. | Long | |
PreviousItem | The tags relating to a previous item can be accessed for item that is linked to the order item. | Previous Item Tags | |
PricePerPiece | The item price divided by the quantity time versions. | Decimal Value | |
PricePerThousand | The item price divded by the quantity divided by 1000. | Decimal Value | |
Product | The tags relating to a product can be accessed for the product that was used to create the order item. | Product Tags | |
ProductId | The id of the product | Guid | |
ProductionQuantity | The selected quantity plus the overs. | Whole Number | |
ProductionSheets | Decimal Number | ||
Proof | The tags relating to a proof can be accessed for the proof records on the order item. | Proof Tags | |
ProofApprovalDate | The proof approval date that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
ProofDueDate | The proof due date that has been input on the order item. | Date/Time | |
PulledCustomerGoods | The quantity of customer goods on an order item customer good depletion that are pulled. | Whole Number | |
Quantity | A quantity input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Queue | The queue that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
QuotePrices | The tags relating to a quote price can be accessed for the quantities and prices on the order item. | List | Quote Price Tags |
Reservations | The tags relating to a reservation can be accessed for the stock reservations on the order item. | List | Purchase Order Item Reservation Tags |
SelectedOrderItemQuoteId | The id of the selected order item quote. | Guid | |
SelectedQuotePrice | The item price of the selected quantity. | Quote Price Tags | |
Sets | The sets that has been input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Sheets | The sheets that has been input or calcualted on the order item. | Whole Number | |
SheetwiseForms | The number of calculated or input sheetwise forms. | Whole Number | |
ShipDate | The shipping due date input on the item. | Date/Time | |
ShippingNotes | The tags relating to a note can be accessed for the shipping type notes on the order item. | List | Note Tags |
Side1 | The tags relating to a side can be accessed for side 1 on the order item. | Side Tags | |
Side2 | The tags relating to a side can be accessed for side 2 on the order item. | Side Tags | |
SingleSidedBlackSheets | The number of black/0 sheets. | Whole Number | |
SingleSidedColorSheets | The number of color/0 sheets. | Whole Number | |
SortIndex | The sortindex for the order item. | Whole Number | |
Statuses | The tags relating to a status can be accessed the status(es) that has been selected on the order item. | List | Order Item Status Tags |
Stock | The tags relating to a stock can be accessed for the stock that has been selected on the order item. | Stock Tags | |
StockCost | The selected stock cost scale on the order item. | ||
StockId | The id of the stock. | Guid | |
StockSheets | The number of sheets that has been input or calculated used to calculate price. | Whole Number | |
Tags | A list of the tag (names) applied to the order item. | List | |
Template | The template of the selected option on the order item. | Text | |
TemplateGroup | The group related to the template of the selected option on the order item. | Text | |
TemplateOption | The template selected on the order item. | Text | |
Thumbnail | The primary thumbnail image of the order item. | Image | |
TimeSensitive | True if the time sensitive is being used, False if it is not. | True/False | |
TotalQuantity | The selected quantity times the sets. | Whole Number | |
Type | The type of the item: order, quote, product or cart. | Text | |
UnitOfMeasure | The unit of measure that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
Up | The number of up that has been input or calculated on the order item. | Whole Number | |
UrlPath | The url to the item. | Text | |
UseEstimatedGraphicTime | True if the estimated graphics time is being used in the price, False if it is not being used. | True/False | |
VendorQuotes | The tags relating to a vendor quote can be accessed for the outsourced that has been input on the order item. | List | Vendor Quote Tags |
Versions | The number of versions input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
Waste | The number of waste sheets that is calculated or input on the order item. | Whole Number | |
WideFormatMode | The mode of the wide format press that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
WideFormatType | The type of the wide format press that has been selected on the order item. | Text | |
WorkTurn | The work turn method that is set on the order item. | Text | |
WorkTurnForms | The number of calculated or input work turn forms. | Whole Number |