Item Price - Discount
{{currency (subtract ItemPrice SelectedQuotePrice.DiscountAmount)}}
Item Price - Discount (good of Groups)
{{currency (subtract ItemPrice (sum (pluck Items "SelectedQuotePrice.DiscountAmount")))}}
Per Piece of Item Total Round to 4 Decimals
{{toFixed (divide ItemTotal Quantity) 4}}
Per Piece of Item Price - Discount Round to 4 Decimals
{{toFixed (divide (subtract ItemPrice SelectedQuotePrice.DiscountAmount)Quantity) 4}}
Per Piece of Item Price - Discount Round to 4 Decimals (good of Groups)
{{toFixed (divide (subtract ItemPrice (sum (pluck Items "SelectedQuotePrice.DiscountAmount")))Quantity) 4}}
Sum of Item Prices + Sum of Graphics (good of Groups)
{{currency (sum (pluck Items "SelectedQuotePrice.GraphicPrice") ItemPrice)}}
Sum of Item Discounts (good of Groups)
{{currency (sum (pluck Items "SelectedQuotePrice.DiscountAmount"))}}
Invoice Balance including Positive and Negative Entries
{{currency (add (subtract UnpaidAmount (sum (pluck (subset EntryAllocations filter="Negative" property="Entry.Type" operator="==") "Amount"))) (sum (pluck (subset EntryAllocations filter="Positive" property="Entry.Type" operator ="==") "Amount"))) thousandsSeparator=","}}