Quote Approval

Shows instruction text before the link to click. 

#ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ContentPlaceHolder1_pnlQuotes .panel-body .h4:before {
content: "Click here to view quote details:";
color: #000;

Order Status

Removes anything without a queue such as void.


Removes anything that was not placed online.

For everyone

function dmLoad() {
$('.page-orderstatus .single-order-container:not(".online-order")').hide();

For single customer

function dmLoad() {
if ($('body').hasClass("customer-IdHere")) {
$('.page-orderstatus .single-order-container:not(".online-order")').hide();

For all but single customer

function dmLoad() {
if ($('body').hasClass("customer-IdHere")) {
} else {
$('.page-orderstatus .single-order-container:not(".online-order")').hide();

Creates a link to UPS for the tracking number. (when not using Shippo)

 $(‘.shipping-information-link’).each(function() {
        var trackingNum = $(this).html();
        var carrier = “https://www.ups.com/mobile/track?trackingNumber=”
        $(this).attr(“href”, carrier + trackingNum)

Creates a link to UPS and Fedx for the tracking number. (when not using Shippo)

Must enter UPS or Fedex in front of tracking number

 $('.shipping-information-link').each(function() {
        var link = $(this);
        var fullTrackingNum = $(this).html();
        if (fullTrackingNum.indexOf("UPS") >= 0) {
            var UpsTrackingNum = fullTrackingNum.substr(fullTrackingNum.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            var UpsCarrier = "https://www.ups.com/mobile/track?trackingNumber="
            $(link).attr("href", UpsCarrier + UpsTrackingNum);
        } else if (fullTrackingNum.indexOf("Fedex") >= 0) {
            var FedexTrackingNum = fullTrackingNum.substr(fullTrackingNum.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            var FedexCarrier = "https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/index.html?tracknumbers="
            $(link).attr("href", FedexCarrier + FedexTrackingNum);

Creates a link to UPS, Fedx, Canada Post and USPS for the tracking number. (when not using Shippo)

Must enter UPS or Fedex in front of tracking number

    $('.shipping-information-link').each(function() {
        var link = $(this);
        var fullTrackingNum = $(this).html();
        if (fullTrackingNum.indexOf("UPS") >= 0) {
            var UpsTrackingNum = fullTrackingNum.substr(fullTrackingNum.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            var UpsCarrier = "https://www.ups.com/mobile/track?trackingNumber="
            $(link).attr("href", UpsCarrier + UpsTrackingNum);
        } else if (fullTrackingNum.indexOf("Fedex") >= 0) {
            var FedexTrackingNum = fullTrackingNum.substr(fullTrackingNum.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            var FedexCarrier = "https://www.fedex.com/apps/fedextrack/index.html?tracknumbers="
            $(link).attr("href", FedexCarrier + FedexTrackingNum);
        } else if (fullTrackingNum.indexOf("Canada Post") >= 0) {
            var CpTrackingNum = fullTrackingNum.substr(fullTrackingNum.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            var CpCarrier = "https://www.canadapost.ca/trackweb/en#/search?searchFor="
            $(link).attr("href", CpCarrier + CpTrackingNum);
        } else if (fullTrackingNum.indexOf("USPS") >= 0) {
            var UspsTrackingNum = fullTrackingNum.substr(fullTrackingNum.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            var UspsCarrier = "https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1="
            $(link).attr("href", UspsCarrier + UspsTrackingNum);


Hides email confirmation field.

function dmLoad() {
    $(‘.page-checkout #txtConfirmationEmail’).hide();
    $(‘.page-checkout label:contains(Confirmation Email)’).hide();

Hides purchase order field.

function dmLoad() {

Selects a ship type by default (inspect the option to find its value).

function dmLoad() {
$('#ddlShippingType option[value="value-here"]').attr("selected", "true");

Hides the ship type dropdown.

function dmLoad() {

Pre-selects the "On Account" payment method, third line hides the payment method field. On Account will need to be an available payment method for all contacts on the portal. 

function dmLoad() {
$('#ddlPaymentMethod option[value="deaa51ed-e249-4ff5-80d9-97941017cbdf"]').attr("selected", "true");

Renames the "On Account" payment method.

function dmLoad(){
$('#ddlPaymentMethod option[value="deaa51ed-e249-4ff5-80d9-97941017cbdf"]').text("Purchase Order");

Hides the "On Account" payment method.

function dmLoad(){
$('#ddlPaymentMethod option[value="deaa51ed-e249-4ff5-80d9-97941017cbdf"]').hide();

Disables the payment method until a shipping type (and carrier rate if using Shippo) has been selected.

function dmLoad() {
    if ($("body").hasClass("page-checkout")) {
        if ((document.getElementById('ddlShippingType').value == 'db35219a-8680-46dd-96b1-ed3992583d7e') && ($("#pnlShippoRates input").is(':checked')) && ($("#chkAcceptTerms").is(':checked'))) {
            document.getElementById('ddlPaymentMethod').disabled = false;
        } else if ((document.getElementById('ddlShippingType').value != '') && (document.getElementById('ddlShippingType').value != 'db35219a-8680-46dd-96b1-ed3992583d7e') && ($("#chkAcceptTerms").is(':checked'))) {
            document.getElementById('ddlPaymentMethod').disabled = false;
        } else {
            document.getElementById('ddlPaymentMethod').disabled = true;


Adds larger view of the thumbnail on hover.

.page-orderstatus .product-image-container .product-image,
.page-shoppingcart .product-image-container .product-image {
    transition: transform .3s;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 9;

.page-orderstatus .product-image-container .product-image:hover,
.page-shoppingcart .product-image-container .product-image:hover {
    transform: scale(2);
    z-index: 10;

Proof Approval

Makes the Notes field required in order for the Approve button to be clicked.

function dmLoad() {
    if ($('body').hasClass("page-proofapproval")) {
        if ($("#txtChangeNotes")[0]) {
            $('#btnApproved').attr('disabled', true);
            $(this).on("keyup", function() {
                    if ($('#txtChangeNotes').val().length === 0) {
                        $('#btnApproved').attr('disabled', true);
                    } else {
                        $('#btnApproved').attr('disabled', false);

Rename the Notes field label.

$('#pnlChangeNotes label').text('Your text here');

Makes the Notes field required in order for the Changes Required button to be clicked.

function dmLoad() {
    if ($('body').hasClass("page-proofapproval")) {
        if ($("#txtChangeNotes")[0]) {
            $('#btnChangesRequired').attr('disabled', true);
            $(this).on("keyup", function() {
                    if ($('#txtChangeNotes').val().length === 0) {
                        $('#btnChangesRequired').attr('disabled', true);
                    } else {
                        $('#btnChangesRequired').attr('disabled', false);

Quote Approval

Makes the Notes field required in order for the Changes Required button to be clicked.

function dmLoad() {
    if ($('body').hasClass("page-quoteapproval")) {
        if ($("#txtNotes")[0]) {
            $('#btnChangesRequired').attr('disabled', true);
            $(this).on("keyup", function() {
                    if ($('#txtNotes').val().length === 0) {
                        $('#btnChangesRequired').attr('disabled', true);
                    } else {
                        $('#btnChangesRequired').attr('disabled', false);