Roll/Board Stock Ordered By Roll (stock)

Price Per should be the total square feet or linear feet of the roll.

  <!-- {{#is Stock.PriceBy "Square Feet"}} --> {{divide Quantity Stock.PriceQuantity}}
                        <!-- {{else}} --> {{Quantity}}
                        <!-- {{/is}} -->

  <!-- {{#is Stock.PriceBy "Linear Feet"}} --> {{divide Quantity Stock.PriceQuantity}}
                        <!-- {{else}} --> {{Quantity}}
                        <!-- {{/is}} -->

Roll/Board Stock Ordered By Roll (supply)

Price Per should be the total square feet or linear feet of the roll.


<!-- {{#gt Supply.PriceQuantity 31}} --> {{divide Quantity Supply.PriceQuantity}}
                        <!-- {{else}} --> {{Quantity}}
                        <!-- {{/gt}} -->