The designer app in Customer's Canvas allows you to import or create designs to use with variable templates. It opens in a new tab when you double click on a design in the Designs section. Let's look at the different main sections of the designer app in more detail:

1) Toolbar

Selecting the button changes the tool you use to interact with. The tools available are:

  • Selection tool: Used to select elements in your design.
  • Text tool: Allows you to create Plain Text (box conforms to amount of text) and Bounded Text (text conforms to box size) boxes. Click on your design once to make a Plain Text box, and drag a box shape to make a Bounded Text box.
  • Image tool: Allows you to insert an image or insert a placeholder for an image.
  • Shape tool: Allows you to insert a rectangular or an elliptical shape.
  • Code tool: Allows you to insert a barcode or QR code.
  • Undo/redo: To undo mistakes or redo actions.
  • Settings: To adjust app settings.
  • Zoom: To adjust zoom level via a dropdown menu.

2) Pages

Pages are the different printable surfaces for your image. When you create a new design or import a file to use for a design, pages will be created based on the number of sides. In this example, "surface_0" is the front side and "surface_1" is the back side.

Right click to adjust the properties.

3) Layers

Layers are the different workable areas of your design. The layers are divided into three sections: Foreground (for things overlapping your design), Main (for the main elements) and Background (for things behind other elements). You can see all the elements of your design in each layer. Elements and layers can be locked from making adjustments using the lock icon or made invisible using the eye icon.

Right click to adjust the properties.

4) Design

The design area allows you to interact with any imported/created designs, select elements, and make changes.

Right click to adjust the properties.

5) Properties

When you select your design or an element in your design, you can adjust the properties in the panel here. There are many different settings here, such as font, size, justification etc. under the design tab, but you can also adjust how certain elements function and can be interacted with under the behavior tab.

To learn more about the many different properties you can adjust, select Customer's Canvas - Page Properties, Customer's Canvas - Design Tab , and Customer's Canvas - Behavior Tab